Do you have a furry feline friend at home? If so, you’ve probably noticed that they seem to sleep an awful lot. Have you ever wondered why they need all that rest? It’s not just because they’re lazy (although they definitely enjoy their naps). There are actually a few scientific reasons why cats sleep so much. Let’s take a closer look at what’s behind all those hours of snoozing. First, let’s see how many hours cats actually sleep per day.
How many hours do cats sleep per day
Cats are some of the most well-known sleepers in the animal kingdom, with some experts suggesting they snooze for anywhere between 10 and 20 hours a day. However, they don’t necessarily sleep in long stretches like we do. They’re more likely to take a series of short “cat naps” throughout the day.
The amount of sleep a cat needs can vary, based on factors like its age and surroundings. For example, a study from 1981 found that farm cats spent 40% of their time asleep, typically at night. While a 2007 study found that caged cats in a shelter were alert for 70% of the time and only slept for 11% of the time. So the next time you see your furry friend snoozing away, they might not be as restful as they seem!
But why are cats such notorious sleepers? Do they really need all those hours of rest, or are they just being lazy like many of us think they are.

Reasons why cats sleep so much
Cats have multiple reasons for sleeping so much.
To conserve their energy
Cats are natural predators. In the wild, they need to conserve their energy for those crucial hunting moments. And let’s face it, stalking and pouncing on a ball of yarn takes a lot of energy! That’s why cats need to catch up on some 💤 during the day.
To maintain their body heat
But it’s not just their instincts that make them such prodigious sleepers. Cats are small creatures, and they have a higher surface area to volume ratio compared to larger animals. This means they lose heat faster, so they need to sleep more to conserve their body heat. In other words, they’re just trying to stay warm and toasty!
Cats are most active at dawn and dusk
Cats are also crepuscular, which means they’re most active at dawn and dusk. This means they’re naturally inclined to sleep during the day and be awake at night. So when you see your cat snoozing on the couch, they’re just following their natural rhythm.
But the real reason cats sleep so much? It’s because they’re just really good at it. When cats sleep, they enter a state of deep relaxation, and their muscles become loose and limber. This helps them to feel comfortable and safe in their environment. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to feel comfortable and safe all the time?
Is your cat sleeping moren than usual?
But what if your cat sleeps all day? Should you worry then? If your cat is sleeping more than usual, it might be a sign of boredom, or a medical issue or stress. If a cat is feeling sick or in pain, they may hide more, or rest more, as a means to protect themselves.
So, next time you see your cat snoozing away, just remember, they are not lazy, they are just really good at napping! 😻
Photocredits: Ihsan Adityawarman